Nine Wellbeing: Why Nine?
Why Nine?
In 2013, when looking for a home for her growing therapy & coaching practice, Nicola was offered premises that previously housed an electrical engineering company. Always one to see the potential in things, Nicola was keen to transform this area into a beautiful space that would promote safety, tranquility and wellbeing. It also happened that the number of the ‘unit’ was 9. Always an auspicious number for Nicola, this sealed the deal! And ‘rooms @ No 9’ was created, which has now evolved into ‘Nine Wellbeing’ the parent company to ‘Nine Coaching’.
So, why does Nicola find 9 to be an auspicious number? Read on for 9 number 9 facts & see how these may relate to therapy, growth & wellbeing:
1.Nine is the number of completion and fulfilment. Most of us are seeking this…….
2.Nine is the number of magic.
3.Nine is a sacred number.
4.Nine is a symbol of wisdom and good leadership. In therapy and coaching, we are seeking the wisdom of the leader ‘within’.
5.In Hinduism nine is the number of Brahma, the Creator.
6.In China the number nine is an auspicious number. When number nine is pronounced, it sounds like the word for “long lasting”. Which the effects of therapy and coaching are….
7.However, in Japan the number nine may be considered unlucky. When number nine is pronounced, it sounds like the word for “pain”. And of course therapy and growth can be painful.
8.For the Hebrews nine is a symbol of truth. When searching for fulfilment, we often speak of finding the ‘truth’
9.When multiplied 9 always reproduces itself. Highly symbolic, no mater how much we grow and change, we seek to remain true to our ‘self’.